Tuesday, 10 January 2017

RETRIBUTION - Press Conference

Press Conference

Production of  Agasti Genset had started  rolling off in one of the facilities of Jaipal’s Company but there were no takers. Nobody was ready to take them

The  established companies in energy sector had  ran a campaign of ridicule, dubbing the product as one more scam of the free energy scams on the Internet. Unfortunately it was a fact that such scams were going on on the Internet. So Agasti Genset had to fight the perception battle to prove itself genuine.

For couple of months the production was not stopped as  they knew that eventually orders will start pouring in and then it will be a flood.  So Jaipal used this period  to build stocks when eventually the orders start coming.

All the team members had gathered in Jaipal’s laboratory for a routine monthly meeting where this particular problem of lack of  orders was discussed.

Dakshesh suggested advertising blitz which was immediately shot down by Jaipal and Srividya. His argument was a good product should sell by itself or by word of mouth and he flatly refused to issue any advertisement regarding the product.  He, however, agreed to release a couple of advertisement one for recruitment of the staff which would be required in future and the other giving rate list of the product.

He insisted that the recruitment advertisement carried a note in a bold  big font which would read “ Muslims and Christians need not apply”. The rate list had separate rates for Muslims and Christians which were to be 4 times higher.

“That will create a very bad image of  our company;”  exclaimed Dakshesh “you cannot afford to commit this foolishness.”

Before Jaipal can answer him Srividya replied “ that's a fantastic idea. Think Dakshesh think. The idea is these advertisements would be severely criticised by leftist loonies, picked up by news channels and social media. At present we are getting plenty of hits on  our website but no sale. People are just curious but not motivated enough to buy. I would suggest one change that the “rate list” should be common to all. Muslims and Christians would pay the standard rate while others get 75% discount”

Ashutosh remarked “ this way it would be less abrasive. It would not look like penalising Muslims and Christians but would  be seen as rewarding Hindus and others, by giving them a discount.”

“It's ok then, as long as it is just a gimmick to grab eyeballs and we are not serious about the Muslims and Christians comment.”  Dakshesh said with relief.

“No, I am dead serious about not employing Christians Muslims. Their loyalties lie elsewhere not with the company or country they are working in and they cannot be relied on, in the time of crisis” Jaipal countered “Now is the time for retribution, payback and above all Restitution of Hindu honour and glory. For centuries they have been exploiting Hindus it's high time they started paying back and for decades they have been mocking, denigrating anything remotely Hindu. I've got a plan regarding this and I will explain it later on. The Muslims, in particular, should be thankful for the fact that I am not charging them 16 times of what I am charging Hindus.  In Saudi Arabia, they give compensation for Hindu death 1/16th that of Muslim death.”

They released the advertisements and sure enough as expected there was a huge a outrage in the media. They had included special category price list of a generator for commercial use, which was same as undiscounted one. Also was included a subcategory of  “press & electronic media”, who were to be charged 50% premium above the standard rate. The outrage started on the social media where some leftist liberal type had presented the advertisement as an example of what would happen if Hindus were in power. Sure enough mainstream media channels picked it up as another stick to beat Hindus with.

Jaipal & Co was accused of being divisive, polarising the society, bigots. There were many demonstrations in front of their offices. Some of the news channels had started running a campaign against Jaipal and his bigotry. The campaign was a sustained one for almost more than 1 week. Nobody had bothered  to contact Jaipal or anybody else to verify the advertisements. There was a total silence from Jaipal and team . Surjit Singh, Ankit Singh and Ashutosh wanted to issue a clarification, but Jaipal and Srividya wanted to keep quiet and let the events unfold.

There was a war on Twitter between left wing and right wing tweeples. There were several RW tweeple who had started #trends such as #HinduHumanRights, #IStandWithJaipal, #HinduOppressedInIndia. Jaipal and team did not participate and just looked watched, observed & heard every comment coming from the Twitter, Facebook and TV news channels for 10 full days.

On the eleventh day, one news channel thought of asking for his “side” of the story. They had sent one of the Arnie’s Angels, a fresh recruit girl. She was very enthusiastic about her job and went about rudely asking Jaipal as to who was he to decide about his employee's religion.

Jaipal gave her a patient hearing and started giving it back to her. He asked her politely as to why they didn't contact him at the outset before running story. He told her that she and other presstitutes  of her ilk will get all questions answered in a Press Conference to be held the next day at 5 p.m. so saying he dismissed her. Her channel ran this sound byte several times in the day. They highlighted his use of word “presstitutes” and accused him of not respecting the media.

Next day from 4 p.m. onwards Cameras and Microphones started arriving  at the Jaipal & Co’s office conference room. At 5 p.m. sharp Jaipal, Srividya,Dakshesh, Ashutosh and Ankit Singh walked in. After they were seated Jaipal raised a hand stopping any questions and read out the press note they had prepared , the copies of which each journalist was given.
It read --
Press Note

For last ten days, the press and electronic media is running a campaign blackballing our company for being Anti minorities. The press and electronic media have no right whatever to take this position. After being blatantly anti-Hindu and running anti-Hindu campaigns they should not complain or they should be the last people complaining about our advertisements. They have no moral right to talk in any manner whatsoever about this issue but since the matter is a public discord, I wish to make certain clarifications on this matter--

  • A question could be asked and is being asked that if am I serious about that issue of not employing Muslims and Christians. To this, my answer would be an Emphatic YES.
  • Another question is being asked as to Whether I am Hindu Nationalist;  to this, I answer again will be a big YES.
  • Would I apologise to the Muslims and Christians the answer is clearly NO.
  • Am I  being discriminatory? The answer is YES. Would you expect a Hindu who had been discriminated against in his own country for years together and yet offer the other cheek to be slapped again by the secularists?
  • The Hindu population of the country is being oppressed by the Muslims and Christians aka the secularists and at the same time, Hindus are being painted as oppressors.
  • The press & the media did not object when Muslims and Christians openly sought members, students or employees from their respective faiths by giving advertisements in papers. Now they don't have any moral right to raise any in this affair.
  • If Muslims and Christians companies and Educational institutions can insist on the prospective employees being of the same faith, then I see no wrong in my insisting that my employees be Hindus.
  • My definition of Hindu is an Indian citizen who is NOT  a Muslim or Christian. All other Indic origin faiths like Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains etc.  are to be considered Hindus. Jews and Parsees while not being  Indic origin faiths are being considered honorary  Hindus due to their centuries of coexistence, with no conflicts, with the Hindu society.
  • I have a fundamental right to choose whomsoever I wish as an employee and it is no business of any other person to object.
  • Some people in the media are describing my actions as “divisive”.If standing up to your way of life and UNITING Hindus is considered “divisive”; so be it.
  • Protection of my invention namely “ Agasti Generator Set” is of paramount importance.  I need to protect it from possible leaks in technology. The technology is in the danger of being a  hijacked/stolen. Towards this, one measure is not employing people whom I do not trust.

Jaipal finished reading and invited questions.

“I am Darkha Butt from Dynasty TV. My question is why are you against Muslims?”

Jaipal smiled and replied “I know you and your love for Muslims but I am not against Muslims only, but Christians also.I can give you a thousand reasons as to why I am against Muslims and  Christians as employees but I won't do that. As to your specific question regarding Muslims I consider them as the root of all Evil. If you don't, believe me, you can just Google ‘ Calcutta Quran petition’; you will know the reasons, yourself. No Country, wherever they went, is at peace, as you may be aware. England is converted to de facto Islamic Republic Englishstan, Belgium is de facto Belgistan, Scandinavian countries are on the same way to hell. In Norway, a Kindergarten kid is sent home to change his T-shirt by his Christian white Norwegian teacher. Why? Because the Flag of Norway in Norway’s school on the Norwegian kid’s T-shirt somehow offends the sensitivities of Muslim Kindergarten students. In fact whole of Europe is on the way to becoming Eurabia. What surprises me that you would wish the same fate for our country. Next please”

“I am from Aakthoo channel and my name is Sanjana Rome”

“One from that Revolutionary Channel” observed Ashutosh sarcastically.

“My question is - It seems that you are likely to enter international trade. In that case, why do you want to antagonise a large section of international customers who would be Christians or Muslims? Don't you know which side of your bread is buttered ?”

“I will answer last part of your question first. Yes, I do know which side of my bread is buttered but what you forget the fact that, I do eat BOTH sides” Jaipal replied with a straight face in a patronising tone. “I will not indulge in appeasement of their egos; if my product is useful to them they will buy it on their own volition. There will be no appeasement or inducement for purchasing the GenSet.  I take pride in calling myself Hindu. If you people want to brand me as Communal, which happens to be the media’s favourite slur reserved for anybody who espouses Hindu cause & stands by Hindus; I will proudly wear it as a badge of Honour. Next please.”

“I am Pappu Khanwal from HeadLines Channel. Do you people realise that you are talking for publication & broadcast services? How could you be so unconcerned about the consequences of your stand?”

Jaipal turned to Dakshesh by his side and asked him “Do you want to answer that question?”

Dakshesh began by mock surprise on his face “Why would we be talking to you guys otherwise? If not for public broadcast I see no reason for talking to a bunch reporters. Our time is much more precious to waste it on a bunch of anti-Hindu agenda driven individuals.”

At that moment somebody threw a shoe at the makeshift dais.Jaipal and Ashutosh had seen the shoe being thrown and acted in a split second firing their phasers almost simultaneously. Both hit the target and shoe was flung violently in the same direction it has been launched from. The shoe hit, by some poetic irony,  the fellow who had thrown it with such a force that he was knocked down.

Surjit Singh and Gopal  Kaka who were sitting amongst journalists quickly removed him from the hall. They took him outside to question him.

There was an uproar in the hall as several journalists ducked. Some women started screaming, shouting questions towards nobody in particular.  Jaipal stood up and raised his hands to calm them. Jaipal continued as if nothing happened “ that shoe could have been hand Grenade also. Now the reasons for not trusting would be obvious to you. This is not the first attack. In past several attempts were made on my life. This attack is the least dangerous one. The attacker was clearly Muslim  as his full beard and shaved moustache was a straight giveaway to his identity.”

Surjit Singh and Gopal Kaka entered the hall again and whispered something in Jaipal’s ear. Jaipal listened for less than half minute and said to Surjit Singh “Why don't you tell the people who are more concerned about Muslims than their own lives?”

Surjeet Singh straightened up to his full 6 feet 3 inches height and without the help of microphone addressed the meeting. His Saffron coloured Pugdi added weight to his already majestic personality. “The object thrown was a hand Grenade disguised as a shoe which malfunctioned.He committed suicide on being discovered as a suicide bomber and the “remote trigger button” was taken away from him. Explosives were strapped to his body. He committed suicide by chewing on a cyanide capsule. He was carrying South Barbarian passport and his name is Mohammed Abdul Quresh.He had arrived yesterday from South Barbaria on a tourist visa. The police are informed and they will be here be any minute now. You people are requested not to leave the hall till after the police have finished their preliminary investigations.”

The journalists were agitated and milling around the hall in a panic. Dakshesh requested them to keep calm and order. he asked everybody to have a  seat and informed them that tea coffee refreshments will be served. Slowly everybody calmed down and were seated. A couple of waiters who were engaged for the occasion went around serving all the people.  

Srividya in an angry tone obviously  agitated herself snapped at them “This was fourth such Attempt  to eliminate us and he was the 6th or 7th person to  perish attempting to kill  us.”

Somebody asked, “ why the world didn't know about the previous attempts?”

Ashutosh replied cynically “ probably because we didn't pay you guys to report the attempts.”

When there were shouts of protest.  Ashutosh continued “ even for today’s Press conference couple of chief editors demanded payment. When we refused and pointed out that they will miss on an exclusive story, they relented and sent their teams. So don't get hot under the collar unnecessarily. We know that NEWS has become a business and money can be made by playing up or down the events as per the desire for the paymasters. So don't you get indignant about it. As per my assessment, 40%  of the news shown is paid for another 40% of the news is paid for to be suppressed and only 20% is genuine like today's event. The suppressed news time slot is filled up by repeating the “paid for” news or/and by some inane and asinine campaigns which you people run regularly. ”

“I don't understand as to how the shoe rebounded back to its thrower” wondered one of the journalists.

Ashutosh started by saying “ because we….”  he was stopped mid sentence by kick on his shin by Jaipal,  and continued to give the answer.
“Thank your stars for being in a Press Conference at Jaipal & Co.We had installed a force field which deflects any Missile coming towards it.  This was the technology we needed to safeguard from all enemies of the country. I will tell you a little story from the history of Indian Christianity.In 1742 French Jesuit Father Coeurdoux managed to get out the 3000-year-old secret of Dyeing cotton from the newly converted Christian artisans of India and then onwards started the downfall of Indian textile industry.The point is not the betrayal by the freshly converted Indian Christians, but the way in which they can be manipulated and made to reveal the secrets by their Western Masters. That is the main reason why I don't want to employ Muslims and Christians.”

Jaipal did not want to refer to the phaser guns, at least not yet. He gave them a plausible reason which would do until somebody analyses video footage. This could happen several days later on when as per media rules it would cease to be important and not matter at all. If somebody accuses them as liars they would simply ignore it.  This was par for the course in Indian media industry.

Kavita Kumar of Times Today channel  stood up and asked: “ what is the status of the generator you had invented?”

“ So the generator set is not forgotten; not bad.The question which  should have started  this press conference has come after all that has happened, not bad, not bad at all, and thanks for remembering it.”  Jaipal observed “The electricity which is powering your cameras and Mics as also the entire building is being supplied by the generator set that we have made, and for which many people are trying to stop us from making it a success worldwide. There are many interests against this technology from being popularised. I have identified one political party in India and at least two foreign agencies would like to see the last of me. Today's attempt was one of the foreign agency’s handiwork. I had given a demo of this generator on TimesToday channel several weeks ago, but after that, it was total silence in the media. Your ingrate Bosses were probably paid off by these agencies to ignore the story. The irony is the generator set is being used daily by your channel; the same set which was used for the demonstration. I should be asking you - how is it working? C’est la vie. It won't matter in the long run. I will be the winner and don't  nobody forget it”

A westerner journalist stood up and addressed Jaipal & the team “Anderson, Wolf News  USA. I have  been browsing your website, you seem to give 20 years replacement guarantee; unheard of anywhere in the world, and for the price of the GenSet although high initially; it works out, according to my rough calculations, to 50% of what one would spend for  electricity over 20 years.”

Sri Vidya  interrupted wryly “Thank you very much for noticing that !”

Anderson continued “How can you manage to do that?  without using any fossil fuel or energy and still, give the prices which might seem steep at the beginning but would save in the long run? This seems to be a perfect textbook scam.

Srividya replied “ Have you read in the conditions under which the replacement guarantee is applicable?  if you have not; let me tell you, number 1, the device should not be tampered with in any way whatsoever, Number 2 the device should be in the geographical area which it is supposed to be in. This is important we have installed GPS in every device which would keep track of the location.  every device has got its own Unique Identification alphanumeric code. The latitude and longitude in which this device can be used are hard coded into the machine; as soon as the device is relocated outside the prescribed Lat and long,  the circuits inside will get mangled beyond recognition or reconstruction. Same thing will happen on tampering or try to open the cabinet. Same thing will happen if anybody tries to deactivate the GPS signals. As for Technology, it's ridiculously cheap to make the generator set and we are making an inordinate amount of profits.

In addition to monetary benefits, there is one more and very important benefit to be considered. This benefit is that the pollution is zero, absolutely zero. This will help the planet in the long run.”

Dakshesh interrupted Srividya “If you think it’s a scam, I have got a simple suggestion for you; do not buy it. I would go further and suggest you run a massive campaign educating the world about the scam. Even if you manage to convince the entire world of AgastiGenSet is a scam and nobody buys it, it would not matter much in the long run. You will not be able to convince the Indian Hindus. As scams cannot be run for a long time, likewise truth cannot be suppressed forever. We Hindus believe in ‘Satya meva Jayate’. Sooner than later Hindus will see the benefits for themselves. Then let the world compete with the Indian business in Aviation, Automobiles, Marine Shipping, Freight / Cargo rates because they will be a lot cheaper. All the rest of the world will eventually have to fall in line if only for their corporate bottom lines.”

The police came by then. They took everybody’s name and contact details as well as a statement about the incidence and let them go. All journalists were glad to leave the place as their facial expressions indicated.

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