Monday, 27 May 2019

Way ahead for Hindus

Way ahead for Hindus in Modi’s “Hinduka Vote Hinduka Vinash” reality.

It is becoming clear by the day that Mr. Narendra Modi is not going to stand by Hindus. He has a record of NOT standing by Hindus. In Jan 2017 I had chronicled just a few of his acts of omission and commission. Here.

His statements since 23rd May and his obsession with the fountainhead of Hindu hate, Duratma Gandhi and mollycoddling the so-called “minorities” and “Commie-liberals” for seeking their approval, give an indication that he is NOT going to do anything for Hindus. Hindus are on their own and unless they fend for themselves they are not going to get any help from any quarter.

I have observed the plight of Hindus in this “Secular” country of ours. They are disarmed literally, mentally and spiritually. MKG has killed the virility of once brave Kshatriyas by his obsessive insistence of one-sided Ahimsa. He expected Hindus only to be non-violent while Muslims carried on their killing orgy. Hindus are a dis-organized conglomerate of various sects, Panths and belief systems. No amount of injustices heaped on them, their men killed, their women kidnapped/raped and/or killed, Love Jihad, their religious festivities disrupted, Gobar-mint and Supreme Court meddling in their Religion, etc. seem to rally them together. The “Secular Commie Media” leaves no chance to berate the Hindus for even resisting the atrocities and labels them as an “intolerant lot”. Even a poor Hindu is not allowed to protect his property (Cows and Bulls). The moment he and others stand up and fight the Beef Mafia our Media calls them Lynch Mob and lament that the country has become a Lynchistan. Even the Wannabe Mahatma Modi, who was voted to power by Hindus, chips in by calling them Goondas.

In this scenario what happens to ordinary Hindus? They are forced to live in their own country at the mercy of the Minorities, as third-class citizens. Hindus who are in a majority are forced to beg to the Gobar-mint of India for “parity” with the minorities. I had written about this “Parity” nonsense earlier post. Here.

Constitution of India is a Holy Book according to the Sultan-e-Hind Vazir-e-Aala Arch Bishop Maulana Mahatma Modi. The so-called Holy Book does not define any Rights for Hindus. Articles 25–30 mention only the Rights of Minorities. The freshly minted dunderhead MPs of the BJP condescendingly tell that they will not Amend the Constitution.

The only solution is: Hindus must convert out of Hinduism to even survive under the present regime. En Masse.

The words Hindu and Hindutva are like Red Rag in front of a Bull. The Hindu people are a despised lot. Then why stay with a “despised” tag? Stop being a Hindu. Just like Pandit Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar adopted Buddhism along with 5 lakh people at Deekshabhumi, Nagpur on 14 October 1956; it is perhaps time for the second exodus out of Hinduism.

Pandit Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar rejected Islam and Christianity, I reject these options too. It has to be an Indic faith. The obvious choice is Sikkhism.

When a couple of million Hindus from all over India gather at various Gurudwaras and join Sikh Panth en masse it will create an impact. It will send a warning to those in power that Hindus are no longer going to tolerate the intolerant. The Hindu worm has turned. My wish is 50% of the Hindus should adopt Sikkhism and the old tradition in Punjab of giving the Firstborn Son to the Panth is revived all over the country.
Till now I have not discussed the WHY behind this idea. The following are the advantages to be gained by this “conversion” idea.

  • Sikhism is of Indic Dharmic origin. It was known as the Sword Arm of Hinduism.
  • Sikhism is classified as a “Minority Religion” so the fresh CONVERTS will be automatically eligible for “Minority Benefits” of the Mahatma Modi’s Holy Book aka Constitution.
  • Sikhism requires its adherents to carry a Kirpan at all times, everywhere. Even Women and Girls can carry it, which will deter potential Rapists and Kidnappers.

  • When most people are carrying a Kirpan openly, which can be seen, the people who want to start a Riot will be deterred.
  • Even if 10% of those converted become Sant-Sipahi Nihangs, the sight of their Blue Cholas will create a sense of security among the other remaining Hindu population.

  • Punjabi Sikhs are known and admired for their industriousness. My age is 63 and I am yet to see a Sikh beggar, even in my more than eight months stint in Chandigadh. Some of that Work Ethic could be acquired by new converts by simply associating with or identifying themselves as Sikhs.
  • A string of Gurudwaras, 1 for every 10 lakh population, will create a strong sense of community and service with Langars giving free food to whosoever comes to the Gurudwara. These Gurudwaras will keep the hegemonist attitude of Mosques and Churches in check. Some of the people who used to donate to Tirupati, Siddhivinayak or Shirdi Temples will now donate to Gurudwaras to enable them running of Langars. Their donations will be put to right end use instead of the Gobar-mint looting them for the support of Anti-Hindu activities.
  • Conversion Camps for Hindus adopting Sikhism should be well organized complete with all legal requirements like Affidavits for change in Religion and Name of EVERY INDIVIDUAL. This will particularly create pressure on Christian Conversion Mafia for doing the same. It will stop “mass conversions” sometimes of the entire village or meetings at Stadiums or public grounds.
  • The condition of Hindus at present is, they are disarmed and excluded from the Minority benefit schemes, which they have funded as tax-payers. At present, not all the Sikhs are taking advantage of these Schemes. They are mainly being cornered by Muslims and Christians only. Hindus are taxed for the Schemes benefitting only Muslims and Christians. That picture will change. The taxpayer will be the beneficiary of the schemes.

"Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal"

Saturday, 2 February 2019


On January  25, 2019, a loving soul bearing the name of Shree V. Sridhar Rao seemingly finished his mission in this world and Departed from its body.

वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि ।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा- न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही ॥

As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones,
similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies,
giving up the old and useless ones.

Although he was only 8 years older than me he was a father figure for me & grandfather to my daughter. For nearly 10 years he gave us nothing but love especially to his granddaughter and his niece (my wife).

He was so full of love that when the granddaughter started working at the age of 21 and kind of became busy with her life, he adopted a month old female puppy and showered his love on that puppy dog.

Memories of him chasing/holding firmly, my daughter or Maggi, the ~2-year-old puppy with a morsel in his hand and stuffing their mouths, feeding them with all the love in his eyes, will remain with us forever.

With the kind of life, he has lived, I believe and am firmly convinced that his Atma has attained Mukti from the cycle of Birth-Death-Birth.

Om Shanti...